World Spay Day is HERE! Help Save Lives!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Homeward Trails Animal Rescue Incorporated
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PLEASE help us meet our goal for World Spay Day. HT saves thousands of lives every year this way!


raised by 215 people

$15,000 goal


HT saves thousands of lives every year through the more than $250,00 we put towards spay/neuter and Trap-Neuter-Return. 

Our programs operate in the most under-resourced areas of Virginia and Puerto Rico - working with low-income owners and caretakers and helping street dogs.  

While we rescue thousands of animals every year, we cannot rescue our way out of the homeless animal crisis. We must prevent unwanted animals from being born. Every adult animal being discarded and/or euthanized in a shelter was once a puppy or a kitten who was born into a world. Some got a chance at a loving home for a while. Others never had that chance - living outdoors in the woods, on the streets or on a chain. It doesn't have to be this way.

Without our efforts, thousands of kittens will be born outside to suffer deaths from malnutrition, flea anemia, being hit by cars or attacked by wild animals. The street dogs we help sadly suffer the same fates. So we MUST stop the needless suffering by preventing these births.   

The animals we spay/neuter are often sick, injured and barely hanging on. We get them vaccinated, microchipped. Get them food and medical care. And those that can be taken in and given indoor homes are. Those thriving outdoors will now be healthier and stronger. This is lifesaving work.   

We are doing in Virginia what no other groups are doing - going into communities monthly to bring these services to the animals and the people who love them FREE.

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