ACDRA Megaesophagus Rescues

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Australian Cattle Dog Rescueassociation

Help us raise funds to save more dogs like Scuttle and Mighty Mack! Donate or share this fundraiser!


raised by 30 people

$5,000 goal

Meet Scuttle and Mighty Mack in the video above! Both of these dogs have megaesophagus – simply meaning an enlarged (mega) esophagus. Among many symptoms, this condition can cause dogs to regurgitate food and water that may lead to significant weight loss. It can also cause aspiration pneumonia, which can require hospitalization and treatments, such as antibiotics, fluid therapy, and oxygen.

The cost to rescue and provide medical care for Scuttle and Mighty Mack was nearly $20,000. This included hospitalizations, diagnostic testing, surgery, etc. Donations enable us to save dogs with extensive medical needs – so please share Scuttle and Mighty Mack’s story!

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